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Programming paradigms: The evolution of how we code

Programming paradigms: The evolution of how we code

Ever wondered how programming became what it is today? Software engineering has always aimed to make problem-solving easier and more intuitive, leading to the birth of programming paradigms—the guiding philosophies behind how we write code.

💡What is a Programming Paradigm?

According to the Royal Spanish Academy, a paradigm is a theory or set of theories whose core is accepted without question and provides the foundation and model for solving problems and advancing knowledge. This definition applies perfectly to programming paradigms, which can be described as:

A programming paradigm is a set of practices that define a central approach to programming, enabling software modeling and problem-solving.

To truly understand them, let’s take a historical journey through the evolution of programming paradigms.

The Birth of Imperative Programming: Fortran’s Breakthrough

Back in the 1950s, coding was done using assembly language—a powerful but painfully complex system that required a deep understanding of computer hardware. Programming was the exclusive domain of a select few. Enter IBM’s Formula Translation, or Fortran, in 1954 (released commercially in 1957). Fortran revolutionized programming by introducing the Imperative Paradigm, where programs are written as a sequence of commands that manipulate the computer’s state. Fortran didn’t just make coding easier—it made it accessible. Suddenly, programming wasn’t just for experts anymore. A simple Fortran example:
					program SumTwoIntegers
    implicit none
    integer :: num1, num2, result
    print *, "Enter the first integer:"
    read *, num1
    print *, "Enter the second integer:"
    read *, num2
    result = num1 + num2
    print *, "The sum of", num1, "and", num2, "is:", result
end program SumTwoIntegers


The erse of structured programming: Making code human-friendly

As programming spread, so did the demand for languages that were easier to understand. Enter ALGOL (Algorithmic Language) in the late 1950s. Developed by the American Association of Computer Machinery (ACM), ALGOL introduced Structured Programming, emphasizing clarity and logic.

Structured programming focuses on three core building blocks:

  1. Sequential Structures: Execute instructions in order.
  2. Conditional Structures: Make decisions based on conditions.
  3. Repetitive Structures: Repeat actions until a condition is met.

Example of Structured Programming:
Repetitive Structures in Pseudocode

    INTEGER N, SUM := 0
    PRINT("Enter a positive integer:")
    FOR I := 1 TO N DO
        SUM := SUM + I
    PRINT("The sum of the first N numbers is:", SUM)


ALGOL’s innovations laid the foundation for modern languages like C and C++, making structured programming the go-to method for decades.

Functional programming: A paradigm that dhinks Differently

Here’s the thing about imperative and structured programming: they depend heavily on the computer’s state—variables, memory, and cached data. This reliance creates challenges, like limits on recursion depth or memory constraints.

Enter Functional Programming, inspired by Lambda Calculus, a 1930s creation by Alonzo Church. This mathematical framework introduced functions as the building blocks of computation, paving the way for John McCarthy to develop LISP, the first functional programming language, in the late 1950s.

Functional Programming Highlights:

  • Functions are first-class citizens.
  • Recursion replaces loops.
  • Functions can be passed as arguments and returned as results.

Python Example:

					def addition(a):
    def add(b):
        return a + b
    return add

def transform(f,a_list):
    return [f(x) for x in a_list]

print(transform(lambda x: x*2, [1,2,3,4,5]))

Functional programming brought a fresh perspective: solving problems without depending on the computer’s state.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): A collaborative vision

By the late 1960s, Alan Kay introduced Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) with Smalltalk. Unlike its current interpretations in C++ or Java, OOP originally focused on message-passing between objects.

Imagine this: when you breathe, your brain instructs your nose to take in air. The nose passes it to the lungs, which oxygenate the blood. Each part has a single responsibility and communicates with the others to achieve a common goal. That’s OOP in action.

Core Principles of OOP:

  1. Everything is an Object: Data and behavior are encapsulated.
  2. Message Passing: Objects interact by sending messages.
  3. Encapsulation: Objects manage their state independently.

OOP combined simplicity and scalability, making it one of the most popular paradigms of all time.

The present: A hybrid era

Fast-forward to today. Modern languages like Python, Java, and TypeScript aren’t bound by a single paradigm—they’re hybrids, blending the best of imperative, structured, functional, and object-oriented programming.

  • OOP handles complex domains with ease.
  • Functional Programming models processes efficiently.
  • Structured Programming excels in hardware optimization.

To master programming, explore languages dedicated to each paradigm—C for structured, Haskell for functional, and Smalltalk for OOP. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of how each paradigm tackles unique challenges.

Conclusion: Why paradigms just matter

Programming paradigms aren’t just technical jargon—they’re the philosophies that shape how we solve problems. By learning their origins and principles, you’ll become a more versatile developer, ready to harness the full potential of modern languages.

Let the paradigms guide you, and watch your skills. 😊

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