Design Thinking
The purpose of this workshop is to create environments that favor creativity and innovation in the teams responsible for the construction of digital products.
It helps to find creative solutions to complex problems, generating value focused on the user. With real-life examples, it becomes an essential guide for teams facing the challenge of competing in the new digital economy.
We help you to propose dynamics that allow you to significantly improve productivity, with a focus on obtaining innovative results.
Companies like Apple, SAP and Ideo ®, among many others, apply it as part of their product development cycle. Today a unique possibility opens for your company.
Introduction to Design Thinking
- What is Design Thinking?
- The design and management of complexity
- Application areas and potential benefits
- Fostering Creativity and Innovation in High Performance Teams
- Game dynamics and motivational factors
- Finding focus and state of flow
- The 10 elements of Gamestorming
- Basic Skills for Gamestorming
- Base dynamics
- Opening dynamics
Stakeholder Management
- Identification of stakeholders
- Stakeholder map
- Stakeholder matrix
- Communication strategies
Empathize: The Discovery
- Introduce the concept of fuzzy goal
- Emotional
- Sensory
- Progressive
- Market research
- The Empty Center
- User research
- Investigation groups
Definition of Objectives and Scope
- The definition phase
- Storytelling
- Project management
- Project closure
Project development: Idea and prototype
- Techniques for generating ideas
- Stakeholder map
- Value Proposition Canvas
- Business Model Canvas
- Services Map
- Flow story map
- Purpose of the prototype in Design Thinking
- Prototype
- Minimum Viable Product and Minimum Marketable Product (MVP & MMP)
- Collaborative construction
Testing and delivery of the project
- Final testing
- Approval and release
- Impact measurement and feedback
Techniques and Practices in Design Thinking
- Cognitive immersion
- Constructive interaction
- Mind Map, Covert Observation
- What, how, why?
- Empathic visualization
- World Café, People and Empathy Map
- How might we..?
- Share and document stories
Lean Design Thinking
- Design Thinking
- Lean Thinking
- Agile Thinking
Gamification is possible.
If you want to know more about this workshop, leave us your email below and we will be in touch shortly.
Dorrego 2133
Palermo Hollywood
Buenos Aires, Argentina
©2020 Bowery Creative LLC.